Optimize Your pH

We have been busy getting healthy this year. In January, we purified out bodies; gave up sugar and refined carbohydrates in February; began exercising in March, said good-bye to processed foods and chemical preservatives in April, and added plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to our diet in May.

June is the month to work on our pH………..and here’s why:

The health of the body, organs, glands, and all body systems depends on the health of the cells. All disease originates at the cellular level, and each single cell must be oxygenated and healthy to create a healthy body.

You may remember from chemistry class that pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. The pH, potential of hydrogen, ranges from 0, very acidic, to 14, very alkaline, with a pH of 7 begin neutral. There is a tenfold difference between each number. For instance, a pH of 4 is 10 times more acidic than a pH of 5. The acid/alkaline balance in the body is measured by the pH factor.

The blood and other body fluids, such as saliva and the cellular fluids, must maintain a very narrow acid/alkaline balance. The optimum pH level in the body is between 7.35 and 7.45. At this level the body is highly oxygenated; detoxification and healing are effortless, the cells are energized, and there is strong immunity to diseases. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans have an acidic pH level below 7.0.

If you have a health problem, your body is most likely acidic. The body’s pH must be slightly alkaline for healing, so any attempt to regain health will not be completely effective until the pH is corrected. Also, when the pH is not balanced you cannot effectively assimilate vitamins, minerals and food supplements. Acidosis, an extended time in the acid pH state, can result in rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, lupus, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, most cancers and much more.

Alkaline cells are more oxygenated than acidic cells, and are therefore, not a good environment for microbes such as bacteria, viruses, yeasts and parasites. Cancer development will also not occur if cells are well oxygenated. Microbes and cancer cells thrive in an anaerobic environment – one that is deprived of oxygen.

Maintaining an optimal pH, oxygenated cells, and higher energy is impossible if you consume dead matter as food. Most people are full of energy and enthusiasm in their youth, but then during middle age, energy and vitality begin to wane. Most times we do not notice the changes or we pass them off as a normal part of aging. Before long, we begin to have nagging complaints and chronic problems such as digestive difficulties or achy joints that we write off as just age, and then one day we get a serious illness that won’t go away. We go to a doctor and the medications they prescribe only suppress the symptoms without addressing the underlying cause of the illness. And then, as the years fly by, we get some disease that progressively gets worse, and we realize we are dying. Our only solace is that we think what is happening occurs to everyone – that it is inevitable.

All disease is the result of a drop in vibrational energy, or vitality, and when our energy drops to a certain point, our bodies begin to decay and break down. When anything dies, the cells of the body immediately lose their vibration (life force) and become very acid in chemistry. That acid state is the signal to the microbes of the world, the viruses, bacteria, and fungi, that it is time to decompose this dead tissue. This is their job, to return the body back to the earth. So, when our bodies drop in energy due to the food we are eating, it makes us susceptible to disease.

When we eat foods, they are metabolized and leave a waste or ash in our bodies. This ash is either acidic in nature or alkaline, depending on the food. If it is alkaline, then it can be quickly extracted from our bodies with little energy. However, if these waste products are acid, they are very hard for the blood and lymph system to eliminate and they are stored in our organs and tissues as solids – low vibrational crystalline forms that create blocks or disruptions in the vibratory levels of our cells. The more such acid by-products are stored, the more generally acid these tissues become, and guess what? A microbe of one type or another appears and senses all this acid and say, ‘Oh, this body is ready to be decomposed.’ When any organism dies, its body quickly changes to a highly acid environment and is consumed by microbes very quickly. If we begin to resemble this very acid, or death state, then we begin to come under attack from microbes. All human diseases are the result of such an attack.

The wrong food can lower our life force, or put us in an acidic state, to the point that the forces of nature begin to return our bodies to the earth. We humans are either in an alkaline or acidic state. The acidic state signals the microbes living within us, or that come by, that we are ready to decompose. Disease is literally a rotting of some part of our bodies because the microbes around us have been given the signal that we are already dead. So, if your bladder cells remain in an acidic state, you are more prone to bladder infections as these cells are a welcoming host to bacteria and other microbes.

Generally, foods that leave acid wastes in our body are heavy, overcooked, over-processed, and sweet, such as meats, flours, pastries, alcohol, coffee, and the sweeter fruits. Alkaline foods are greener, fresher, and more alive, such as fresh vegetables and their juices, leafy greens, sprouts, and fruits like avocado, tomato, grapefruit, and lemons.

We always wonder why some people exposed to the same microbes don’t get a particular disease. The difference is the inner-body environment. The good news is that even if we have too much acidity in our bodies and begin to decompose, the situation can be reversed if we improve our nutrition and move to an alkaline, more alive state.

Acid Foods include: ALL sugar and flour products, cereals, dairy (except yogurt, kefir, whey), canned and dried fruits, cranberries, olives, beans (dried), lentils, all meat, fish, chicken, turkey and duck, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, macadamia nuts, alcohol, coffee, curry, dressings, drugs, jams & jellies, mayonnaise, pepper, preservatives, spices, sauces, sodas, lack of sleep, stress and worry.

Alkaline foods include: Most fruits and vegetables, almonds, chestnuts, coconuts, ginger, honey, kelp, alfalfa, clover, mint, sage, calcium, magnesium, potassium and manganese.

You may pick up a more detailed alkaline/acid food chart in our office.