Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from Family Chiropractic & Nutrition

December 2014 Newsletter Barbara Mitchem, DC, ACN

Dear Valued Patient – We Appreciate You!

The holidays are here again! Although we appreciate our many wonderful patients every day of the year, we would like to take this special time to express our gratitude and let you know how truly blessed we are to know you. We value our relationship with each and every one of our patients, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to help you meet your health goals.
We are looking forward to another year of sharing and growing together.
May you and your families have a blessed, healthy holiday season and New Year.

Maintain Health With Whole Food Supplements

As a nation, we eat poor-quality foods that have been stripped of nutrients. We do not consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables. Many of us get our whole grains from instant rice, refined wheat breads, pastas, and cereal. We eat a tremendous amount of prepackaged, pre-made meals. One-quarter of Americans eat at fast food restaurants each day. Americans are overfed andunder-nourished.

We eat plenty, but we are still starving. The foods we eat are not providing our bodies with
the nutrition they need to survive and be healthy. We are starving our bodies and we are sick.
We suffer from diabetes, heart attacks, obesity, and the list goes on and on.

Given proper nutrition, the human body has an amazing ability of keeping itself healthy. If properly fed and given the right nutrients, the human body is designed to repair itself. To do so, we need to eat a healthier diet, exercise, and take high-quality supplements. made from whole foods. Whole food supplements supply our bodies with the nutrients we are not getting from our diet—all the vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and phytonutrients that foods possess—in the way that nature intended, in a whole food form.

Only whole food supplements complete the nutrition gap. Whole food supplements are made by concentrating foods. When concentrated correctly, the foods supply a multitude of nutrients. These nutrients work synergistically, meaning they work together, to provide you with optimal nutrition for good health. A word of advice: Not all whole food supplements are the same.

Many whole food supplements available in today’s marketplace range in quality. Companies are riding the wave of supplement popularity rather than focusing on commitment and quality.

Standard Process Supplements for Health Maintenance

Catalyn® – Multivitamin

This multivitamin was developed in 1929 by Dr. Royal Lee, founder of Standard Process.
He believed that by using whole foods, a supplement was much more effective and more easily assimilated by the body than its isolated counterparts. Catalyn provides nutrients from whole foods, as well as selected individual components to promote optimal nutrition.

Tuna Omega-3 Oil – Source of essential fatty acids

The tuna is sustainably harvested through dolphin-safe methods. Tuna is naturally high in DHA and provides a 5:1 ratio of DHA to EPA—similar to the ratio found in breast milk.

DHA and EPA are omega-3 essential fatty acids that can’t be made by the body and must be obtained from our diet. DHA and EPA are “good” fats—meaning they’re associated with good health and have a variety of beneficial roles in the body. The best dietary sources of EPA and DHA are cold water marine animals (like tuna, salmon, and calamari).

Trace Minerals-B12™

Trace Minerals-B12 provides your body with trace minerals that may be lacking in your diet.
Trace Minerals-B12 supplies manganese, iodine, zinc, copper, and iron. Among other functions,
these trace minerals support ligament, cartilage, and bone structure, immune and thyroid function,
fat metabolism, and calcium utilization.

Holiday Stress Support

Tis the SEASON that creates MORE STRESS! Standard Process has products to support healthy adrenal function and emotional balance during the busy holiday season. Food cravings? Mood swings? Low energy? Holiday pressures?

Drenamin® to support adrenal function and help maintain emotional balance and energy production.

Paraplex® to support cellular health and healthy pancreas, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal gland function.

Cataplex® A-C-P to support cardiovascular health, immune system function, and cell maintenance.
Visit us early in the season to make sure you are doing all you can to have the most enjoyable holidays ever!

Gift Ideas…………….Give The Gift of Good Health….

We now carry a variety of healthy (all organic) items that are difficult to find in our rural area.

Coconut Oil                   Cod Liver Oil                                      High Vitamin Butter Oil
Apple Cider Vinegar      Black Cherry Juice                             Sea Salt
Stevia                              Soap                                                   Toothpaste
Snacks                             Gluten free pasta                              Quinoa
• Come by and browse the store for stocking stuffer ideas.
• Give the gift of natural good health with our gift-wrapped assortment of some of our more popular supplements, or design your own supplement package for your loved ones.
• Gift certificates can be a great gift and can be used on any service or product in the clinic.
******************************REFERRAL SPECIAL*****************************

Refer a friend or family member for an initial “Nutritional Analysis” appointment –

• Your referral receives 50% off the initial consultation fee
• You receive a coupon worth $10 off any product in our office

Improving the quality of life, one patient at a time!
Family Chiropractic & Nutrition
Barbara Mitchem, DC, ACN

109 Shult Dr., Ste. 208, Columbus, TX 78934
